Tree Trimming Accidents Can Be Prevented by Hiring Trained Tree Care Experts
It may be tempting to trim your own palm trees to save a few bucks. But if you talk to your local fire and rescue team, they’ll be quick to tell you to think twice. Emergency personnel respond to many tree care related incidents annually. So many accidents occur, the California Department of Public Health created a video describing the risks of trimming palm trees, highlighting proper technique. Hiring trained tree care experts is crucial to avoiding palm tree trimming incidents. What typically goes wrong in a DIY palm tree trimming scenario?
Beware the Palm Frond Avalanche
When unlicensed or inexperienced tree trimmers cut palm fronds from below rather than above, fronds can pile up inside the tree rather than falling to the ground. As the fronds accumulate, they get heavier and heavier, eventually releasing in an avalanche of fronds. When they fall, they take out anything and anyone in their path, including unsuspecting tree trimmers. Fronds are quite heavy, weighing up to a hundred pounds apiece. Tree trimmers knocked to the ground and buried by the fronds can be seriously injured and suffocate under their weight, leaving home and business owners liable for injury and damages.
Trim California Palm Trees the Right Way
Licensed, insured, properly trained palm tree care professionals are essential to ensuring an accident-free pruning experience and the health of your trees. Our tree care team has the skills and equipment to get the job done right. We rely on essential tools like bucket trucks and aerial devices to trim from above (not below) fronds. Our fall protection equipment allows us to accomplish tree trimming tasks safely. We are licensed, insured, Tree Care Industry Association (TCIA) accredited, and have numerous International Society of Arboriculture (ISA) Certified Arborists and Board Certified Master Arborist on staff. You can rest assured of safe, successful pruning with our skilled services.
Is it time to prune your palm trees? Tree trimming accidents can be prevented by hiring trained tree care experts. Ensure safety and protect your business from liability with licensed, professional services. Contact Arborwell Professional Tree Management at , or contact your Seattle, San Diego, Sacramento, San Francisco Bay Area, San Jose, or Oakland/East Bay Area local office to schedule tree care services today.