
tree care during drought

Urban Tree Care During a Drought

All trees need water to survive. Each species requires a specific amount and frequency for optimal health; however, location, environmental conditions, and weather directly impact these needs. For this reason, drought can be especially dangerous for urban trees outside the natural forest setting, making meticulous tree care during a drought essential. How can you keep your commercial landscape’s trees looking their best?

drought, mulch, pest control, water conservation

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How Much Water Does My Tree Need?

This year our normal summer watering needs become even more critical since our trees have been at a water deficient most of the spring. So, the obvious question is – How much and how often should I water? This depends on the location, tree type and how mature it is – among other factors.

If the leaves are brown on the edges and are drooping or wilted, your tree isn’t getting enough water. Long term water stress usually leads to twig dieback, very little new growth and more susceptibility to insects and diseases.

drought, tree health, tree management, water conservation

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plant wellness

Preparing Trees for a Drought – Part 1

The dry winter and spring in the west have brought us to another year where drought stress potentially becomes our most prevailing discussion and priority during the upcoming summer and fall. The lack of winter rain and quickly melting snow pack has already impacted the health of trees throughout our region and beyond. Combined with the prior year drought issues over the past seven to ten years, we anticipate not only will trees struggle much more this year and will take much longer to recover than normal.

drought, tree health, tree management, water conservation

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