The Most Visible Types of Trees in Seattle

Learning about the most common types of trees in Seattle is a good way to educate yourself about tree conservation.
Arborwell’s tree management services keep our clients’ trees healthy, wherever they grow – in parks or on city streets, at estates, commercial properties, or in residential developments. We’re also advocates for tree conservation in general because healthy trees are so crucial to the well-being of people and the planet.
Seattle, with its moist, mild climate, is known for its diverse tree population. What better place is there to illustrate the value of trees?
Once you know a little about the city’s trees, we think you’ll begin to appreciate the grandeur of all trees and the role they have in balancing our environment. These particular trees live in large regional preserves such as Tiger Mountain State Forest, local parks such as Seward Park, and even residential streets.
Below is Arborwell’s list of the most visible types of trees in Seattle:
- Yoshino Cherry. An ideal urban tree that handles air pollution well, the Yoshino Cherry yields breathtaking blooms in the spring. If you want to attract birds, plant a Yoshino Cherry tree.
- Western Hemlock. Adopted as Washington’s state tree in 1947, the Western Hemlock grows mostly within 60 miles of the Pacific coast and can live for centuries. Some Western Hemlocks are more than 1200 years old. The species grows well in shady areas.
- Western Red Cedar. Native Americans valued this rot-resistant cedar tree. They built canoes from the trunk and wove waterproof clothing and other items from the bark.
- Japanese Maple. A smaller version of the big leaf maple, Japanese maples can grow in containers. Every season is colorful for Japanese Maples. Leaves are pink and crimson in spring, changing to bronze, green and purple in summer, and then to fiery red and orange in autumn.
- Douglas Fir. This fir tree is a symbol of Seattle and the Northwest. Its thin needles are soft compared to other conifers. It also has deeply furrowed bark.
- Japanese White Pine. This slow-growing miniature evergreen is the prototypical bonsai tree. Landscapers use them in many settings, including in local neighborhoods.
Arborwell’s Management Services Help Your Trees
Arborwell offers comprehensive tree management services for Seattle and nearby communities. Our certified arborists consult with clients on long-term programs to maintain and strengthen the trees on their property.
We also prepare detailed evaluations of each client’s tree population that includes a breakdown by species and reports on the health, value, and the overall number of trees.
Arborwell specializes in pruning and other gardening techniques to bring ailing trees back to health and avoid costly removal.
Contact Us for Expert Tree Care and Conservation Services
Arborwell’s professional tree management services range from ornamental trees to the most visible types of trees in Seattle. Learn more about keeping the trees on your property healthy, and tree conservation in general. Call today to speak to one of our experts.