Jerry White

ISA Certified Arborist

Why Hire ISA Certified Arborists in Seattle?

If you need tree management services in Seattle, it can be tempting to choose the contractor with the lowest price. However, tending trees is dangerous work, and choosing an arborist is a decision that you should not take lightly. Enlisting the help of a skilled ISA-certified arborist safeguards your business. Why should you hire ISA certified arborists in Seattle?

ISA Certified Arborists Have a Higher Level of Knowledge

At Arborwell, we understand that well-tended trees are an asset, and proper tree care is an investment in the future of your trees and the value of your property. Because we have your best interests at heart, our arborists are ISA-certified, with the knowledge and training to care for and maintain your trees safely.

Demonstrating their commitment to the care of your trees, our arborists have earned ISA certification, passing a comprehensive national examination administered by the International Society of Arboriculture (ISA). Each holds a degree in a related field from an accredited institute, with three or more years of full-time practical experience in arboriculture.

Training for Our ISA Certified Arborists Doesn’t End with an Exam

To maintain certification and stay up to date on the latest industry information and techniques, our arborists continue their educational journey throughout their careers. Our team is continually building its knowledge base, holding over 35 years of collective experience in arboriculture, horticulture, landscaping, forestry, and related fields. Our ISA affiliation gives us access to the latest industry research, information, and technological resources direct from the ISA, helping us effectively and efficiently manage any issue you may encounter with your trees.

Arborwell ISA Certified Arborists Adhere to a Strict Code of Ethics

In choosing the Arborwell team, you can avoid the problems and damage frequently experienced with inexperienced or unprofessional contractors. We will always provide you with a written proposal for all work. On-site, you can trust our arborists to have all the necessary credentials to provide top-notch service, including proper insurance and any required permitting.

We have the skills and experience to care for your trees properly, helping you circumvent property damage and injury from incorrect tree trimming and removal. Our crew is committed to helping you maintain the safety and longevity of your trees, protecting them from rough tree climbing methods and excess trimming that damage and threaten their lifespan. We ensure the safety of your trees and community bystanders throughout the process, completing each job with a thorough cleanup.

Why hire ISA certified arborists in Seattle? Customers choose Arborwell Professional Tree Management for our experience, qualifications, and reputation for safe, affordable tree services. Open up to a new level of tree care. Contact us to schedule a complimentary assessment from an ISA certified arborist today.

arborist tree care, certified arborists, isa certified, seattle arborists

who we serve

What Is A Certified Arborist?

Trees can be incredibly beautiful features in your landscape, but they don’t get that way on their own. They require careful nurturing from certified arborists, using trimming, irrigation, fertilization and detailed health care plans. What does it mean to be a certified arborist and why do you need one for your commercial landscape?

At Arborwell Professional Tree Management, our certified arborists have years of training and experience caring for trees and can help the trees on your property to thrive. We serve commercial properties and estates in Seattle and California, and we know how to care for your trees no matter the climate and environment.

Not your average gardener

Being a certified arborist means that you have professional recognition as an arborist. You have undergone intense education about arboriculture and likely have years of experience looking after trees. Those who wish to obtain their certification must first write an exam, and to qualify for that exam you must have:

  • A degree in arboriculture, forestry, horticulture, or landscape architecture from an accredited school, or
  • More than 3 years of experience working in the field of arboriculture

Those who pass the difficult exam must also agree to sign the code of ethics, which serves as a guide for all certified arborists to follow. It ensures that customers receive a high quality of services and provides a template for behaviour and safe practices for all arborists to follow.

A certified arborist is not just someone who likes to garden. They are dedicated professionals who have spent years studying their craft and know how to properly take care of the trees on your property.

We provide professional care

Arborwell provides you with expert care from certified arborists. Whether your trees need help surviving drought conditions in California, or pest infestations in Seattle, our arborists can take care of it. We pride ourselves on making sure your trees receive the best care possible.

Now that you understand what a certified arborist is, and why they are the best choice when it comes to looking after the trees on your commercial property, make sure to call Arborwell Professional Tree Management today at or click here to visit our website.

arborist certification, certified arborist, what is an arborist

certified arborist

Request Tree Loss Reports in Storm Season

Big storms can be rough on your trees and cause issues that result in tree loss or heavy damage to trees. It is likely you will need to request tree loss reports during storm season and for that you require the help of one of our ISA certified arborists. At Arborwell Professional Tree Management, we can provide you with professional tree care and assessment to make sure your property recovers after storm season.

In Sacramento, San Diego and Seattle, our arborists can assess the trees on your commercial property or estate and provide you with arborist reports, which will help you to understand your options following damaging storms.

Why are tree loss reports important?

Our goal is to help your trees recover after they are damaged, and that’s why requesting a tree loss report is important for your property. These reports can help you to understand what damage storm season has done to your trees, what steps you need to take to recover and estimate what the cost of recovery is.

Most commonly people associate storms with broken branches and uprooted trees, but they can also cause fires, exacerbate disease and instigate other accidents. A report from a certified arborist does more than just inform you of the damage on your property, it can also be:

  • A way to obtain a permit for cases where you need tree removal. Many cities have strict removal laws that require official arborist reports.
  • An important document for insurance claim purposes.

When your property has been hit with a storm, Arborwell is here to help you recover with professional care from our certified arborists. We will nurse the trees your property back to health when we can, acquire permits for removal when there is no other solution, and safely remove trees that can not be revived.

Arborwell looks after you

Storms in the Seattle, San Diego and Sacramento areas can wreak havoc on the trees on your property. Let Arborwell Professional Tree Management be there for you when you need to request a tree loss report in storm season. Our ISA certified arborists will provide you with detailed, professional reports and help the trees on your commercial property regain their health and beauty. Call us today at or click here to visit us online and request an arborist report.

arborist, damage, reports, storm, trees

Tree Care Services in a drought

Seattle’s Urban Forest Progress and Role of Trees in the City

Well known for its wealth of forests and beautiful natural landscape, the city of Seattle is taking important steps to preserve its urban forests and ensure that they continue to thrive. They have created the Urban Forest Management Plan, which strives to maintain, improve and re-establish the urban population of trees in Seattle.

This is a complicated issue, but Arborwell Professional Tree Management believes it’s one that can and will be solved. Seattle’s urban forest progress has focused on planting and maintaining trees, as well as restoring parklands.

Why are tree so important?

Trees and forests play a very important role in our ecosystems. They absorb carbon dioxide and can store the carbon, while releasing the oxygen back into the air. This is a great way to combat the growing climate change issue. As well as providing clean air, a healthy forest can also offer habitat for wildlife, is more resistant to forest fires, reduce flooding and provide clean water, and fight back against disease and pest infestations more effectively.

Urban forests are a key part of Seattle’s ecosystem and the benefits from ensuring their health and vitality are crucial. The 2018 progress report shows that nearly 50,000 seedlings were planted, 134 acres of invasive species were removed from parklands, and over 5,000 trees were maintained to ensure continued growth.

What is Seattle’s goal?

The city of Seattle began its urban forest management plan with the goal of increasing its tree canopy cover to 30%. In a report from 2016, seen here, it was estimated that canopy cover was at 28%. The city has made great improvements to local urban forests and will continue to do so by keeping up with planting and maintenance efforts.

For owners of private estates or commercial properties in the Seattle area, the experts at Arborwell can help you with the trees on your property. We have years of experience providing excellent tree care and we can share our expertise with you.

If you are looking for a way to help with Seattle’s urban forest progress and understand the pivotal role of trees in the city, contact Arborwell today at or visit our website.

ecosystem, trees, urban forest


Commercial Tree Surveys

Do You Need A Commercial Tree Survey?

When you need your trees surveyed, Arborwell Professional Tree Management has the knowledge and experience to help you out! Its important that before you begin any work on your commercial landscape, you are aware of the health status of your trees. Whether you need tree health care plans, or you have trees that need removal and/or replacement, you can rely on our expertise.

Arborwell serves HOAs, estates, and commercial properties in San Francisco, San Diego, Seattle and Sacramento. Our ISA-certified arborists are committed to maintaining the health of the trees on your property, and a commercial tree survey is a great way to help us begin our care plans.

What does a tree survey provide?

Our trained arborists will provide you with a detailed account of the health and status of your trees. When we deliver your commercial tree survey, you can expect to see:

  • The height and width of your trees
  • The age of your trees
  • Your trees life expectancy
  • Identification of your tree’s species
  • An evaluation of the current health of your trees
  • A plan for future care of your trees

This is crucial information that we use to help you understand how to move forward with the trees on your commercial property. Our tree survey does more than just tell you what your trees need, local authorities often require a survey before any plans for change can be put into motion.

Tree removal laws can be strict, even when a tree is already dead or in a dangerous situation. You must have a tree survey before you can move forward with removal. Our experts will obtain the permits needed and ensure the safe removal of your tree.

Choose Arborwell for all your tree needs

Now that you know what a commercial tree survey is and how it can help you, its time to contact Arborwell Professional Tree Management. We will provide you with detailed information about the trees on your property and recommend how to move forward regarding the health of your trees. Click here to visit our website and request an estimate from one of our arborists or call us today at .

arborist, survey, tree health, tree management

Tree Care Experts

Commercial Tree Care Vs. Residential Tree Care

Your trees have the potential to be one of the most beautiful parts of your landscape, so its important that you take care of them. As a commercial tree care company, Arborwell Professional Tree Management has ISA-certified arborists that have the experience, knowledge and equipment to keep your trees healthy.

Often, those who have little knowledge of trees hire themselves out for residential tree care (handymen, guy with a pickup and a chainsaw etc.). It also may be tempting to take care of your trees yourself or with the help of an employee, but it can be a tricky and sometimes dangerous task. Arborwell serves HOAs, estates and commercial properties and can deal with all tree-related issues that arise, safely and efficiently!

We do it all when it comes to trees

Founded in 2001 in Castro Valley, Arborwell has grown exponentially over the past 2 decades thanks to our dedication to providing quality services. We now have over 200 employees and 60 vehicles, and offer tree care services all over California and in the Seattle area, including:

  • Arborist reports. Most city authorities require an arborist report before you can remove a dead or dangerous tree. Our experts can provide these reports, so you can move ahead with your landscaping plans.
  • Tree health care plans. We assess the trees on your property and devise short and long-term health plans so that they will continue to grow unhindered by disease and pests.
  • Tree replacement and removal. This can be a dangerous task and it’s one we have the proper equipment and experience for. Don’t put yourself or your employees in a dangerous situation – leave it to the experts!
  • Tree trimming. This requires more than just chopping branches off. A professional arborist knows how to trim a tree so that it looks good and promotes new growth.

Your commercial tree care experts

Arborwell Professional Tree Management is the commercial tree care company to turn to when you need help with the trees on your property. Tree care can be incredibly difficult and relying on residential care or you and your own employees can lead to disastrous and sometimes dangerous results.

We have a wide array of equipment that is appropriate working on large properties across California and in the Seattle area and we have the experts that know how to use it. If you are considering using a commercial tree care team and not relying on residential tree care, then Arborwell is the right choice! Click here to visit us online and request an estimate or call us today at .

arborist, tree care, trees

adelgids on hemlock

Arbor-wellness: Keep Adelgids away from your Hemlocks

What are these cottony looking white things on my Hemlock? 

Most likely they are adelgids. Adelgids are similar to aphids and can be very devastating in large numbers. They prefer Hemlock trees but are also found on other conifers like Douglas fir, larch, pine and spruce. They can produce white, cottony tufts on bark, branches, twigs, or needles. 

Will they harm my trees?

When present in large numbers, adelgids may cause yellowing and early dropping of needles and dieback of terminals. They can retard or kill trees, although healthy plants can usually tolerate small adelgid populations.

Can I get rid of them?

When the population builds high enough, there are ways to treat your conifers to reduce the populations. Treatment now is important if the populations are causing problems. Otherwise preventative treatments in the fall or early spring will help.

What can I do to help my tree look better?

Proper nutritional feeding and avoiding tree stresses – like lack of water or even salt build-up, will help. On conifers it is important not to over feed them and produce excess growth. At Arborwell, we use a very specific program that has the proper balance of nutrients for each type of tree. If you suspect salt may be a problem, we can identify how bad the problem is and provide cost effective solutions for that.

Fill out the form below to contact your Arborwell Arborist today and we will be happy to check out your hemlock – and all your conifers – to keep them healthy, now and for the future.

adelgids, arborist, conifers, hemlock, insects, plant health, plant health care

Arbor-wellness: Trees and Water

When I ask what the most limiting factor is for tree health, I often get answers like insects or diseases, the right climate, or even compacted and poor soils. And while those are all important factors in tree health, the most important is actually water. If a tree does not have water it will die.

Proper watering is an essential part of caring for trees.  But how much to water and when are critical to understand.

Here are some guidelines:

Water deeply – Water the soil, where the roots are. We recommend deep watering in the root zone, which is out from the trunk to the edge of the canopy, and getting the soil moist at least 12 inches down each time you water.  For established trees, this should be done every 8 weeks during the dry season. For trees that require more water – like maples and redwoods – the frequency should be every three to four weeks. Young trees require watering more often too, but since their canopy is smaller, the area to water will be smaller.

Most importantly, avoid frequent, light watering – Trees require a very different watering schedule than turf or even most shrubs, so having a way to water trees separately can be very valuable.

When trees are not watered deeply, it often leads to moisture or drought stress by mid-summer.  Drought stress can increase a tree’s susceptibility to certain diseases and insects.  Dry soils can cause the death of small roots and reduce a tree’s capacity to absorb water, even after the soil is re-moistened.

There is no way to look at the soil from above and tell how much moisture is in it. To determine how dry the soil is, you must probe the soil, either with a trowel by hand, or with a moisture meter. Hand moisture meters do help, but at Arborwell we have new state of the art wireless meters that are installed in the ground and read the moisture on a continual basis. When trees are very valuable and there is concern for their survival, then long term monitoring is the best way to track and analyze how often to water and how much to put on. These same sensors can be used for shorter duration monitoring if you are auditing the irrigation system to determine the best schedule and timing for an automatic drip or bubbler system

Don’t forget the trees on your parkway – During droughts street trees need water too.

Keep checking in the fall – Trees and shrubs, especially evergreens and newly planted trees, need ample water in their root systems as they go into winter. So continue to water as long as you can.

Water trees in containers more frequently – Because there is little soil to hold water around their roots, container plants can dry out and wilt fairly easily. If container plants are in full sun, they will likely require more frequent watering than those in shade.

Check on sensitive trees and shrubs – Drought-sensitive trees and plants that are likely to show the effects of reduced moisture include magnolias, Japanese maples, dogwoods, beeches, larches, tulip trees, redwoods and birches.

Spread mulch –  A layer of organic mulch, such as shredded bark or wood mulchto insulates soil against extremes of temperature fluctuations and holds in soil moisture. Apply no more than three inches deep of mulch in a circle around trees. Do not let mulch touch the trunk.

What systems to use – On larger properties and irrigation system is a must. We recommend a drip or bubbler system. These should be checked on a regular basis for clogs and leaks. Older irrigation systems often used spray heads around trees and many sites still have them. Above ground water is far more inefficient. The proper area around the tree is usually not covered adequately by the spray and the trunk of the tree is often sprayed excessively. Most spray heads also put out too much water at one time, so the ground cannot absorb enough before it starts to run off. When it is possible, these spray systems should be converted to drip or bubbler systems. The water savings alone will offset the cost down the road.

Reclaimed water – This is an important consideration as more and more sites are being watered with reclaimed water. The drawback to this water is the high salt content of most reclaimed water. At Arborwell, we can recommend ways to reduce the salt build-up from reclaimed water. This is important because too much salt will cause problems with many trees. If your site has reclaimed water, the advanced moisture sensors we use also measure salinity. This helps us watch and act to reduce the salt build up before it affects the trees.

If you have any questions or concerns about your trees health, fill out the form below to get in contact with one of Arborwell’s certified arborists!

arborist, reclaimed water, soil, tree care, trees, water

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