

Tree Selection

tree care during drought

Drought Tolerant Trees for Southern California

Are you one of the many businesses looking to do your part in reducing water use during Southern California’s severe drought conditions? Every little conservation step you take helps support a more secure water future. Arborwell’s San Diego consulting arborists are here to help you achieve your goal of creating a more waterwise landscape with this list of drought-tolerant trees for Southern California.

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drought resistant trees

Landscape Trees for Drought Conditions in Northern California

California’s extreme drought conditions have made water conservation a common goal for the region’s businesses. Choosing drought-resistant plants and trees makes achieving this objective easier while keeping your commercial landscape looking great. Fortunately, Northern California’s warm climate and long growing season give trees ample time to get established before the first December frost, making now a great time to contact our tree management team about making the switch. What do our arborists recommend for landscape trees for drought conditions in Northern California US Hardiness Zone 9?

drought resistant trees, tree selection, water conservation

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Seattle Drought Resistant Plants and Trees

Warm Seattle Summers Call for Drought Resistant Plants and Trees

Over the past several years, Seattle’s weather has changed. We no longer get the typical misty June weather before the hot, dry summer season. Higher summer temperatures and a dryer climate worsen the situation and forecasters expect these trends to continue. Increasingly warm Seattle summers call for drought-resistant plants and trees. Our ISA certified arborists suggest a few modifications to help your landscape handle complications from extreme heat and prolonged drought in the summer months.

drought resistant trees, drought-resistant plants, landscapes, water savings

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Why Test Your Soil Before Planting Trees?

It’s easy to get caught up in the beauty of trees, purchasing your favorite species to grace your grounds with little thought beyond their lovely looks. Despite your best intentions, your trees could quickly end up suffering, dragging down the appearance of your property. Planning is essential to tree wellness and ensures a lush, healthy landscape that enhances curb appeal and value. The most overlooked and crucial step in this process is a simple soil test. Why test your soil before planting trees?

soil test, tree planting, tree selection

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Tree Selection Ideas

Determining what type of tree to plant can be a complicated choice. There are plenty of considerations to take into account when planting a tree that, with the proper care, will go on to live for decades. At Arborwell our experts can help you navigate these choices and select the right tree for your HOA, municipal, campus or commercial property.

Our knowledge and years of experience with trees is a great asset for your company when it comes to choosing what type of trees to grow and where to grow them. A fully grown, mature tree not only looks beautiful but can add significant property value. It is a long-term investment that requires specialized planning and knowledgeable care, something Arborwell Professional Tree Management excels at.

What Should You Consider When Choosing a Tree?

Our ISA-certified arborists can help you figure out the right tree type for your landscape in a way that is simple and easy to understand. Here are some considerations to keep in mind.

How much space does the species need?

A sapling is a lot smaller than a fully-grown tree and it may look like there is plenty of room around it, but the size and shape of the mature tree is most important. There should be enough room for the tree to grow to maturity unhindered, both above and underground. Trees must be planted away from powerlines, sidewalks, gas and water lines, as well as from other trees.

What are the climate conditions?

Climate can drastically affect tree health and longevity. If you’re planting a tree in a wet climate, consider choosing a tree that can manage high levels of water. If you regularly experience droughts, choosing a drought-tolerant tree is preferable.

Does the species need maintenance?

Different trees require different levels of care. Be sure to choose a species that you can afford to maintain. Our experts can help you select trees with fewer maintenance requirements, ask them about it.

Is your tree species non-invasive?

Always plant non-invasive species on your property. An invasive species can spread and lead to the death of native species in the area.

Should you plant evergreen or deciduous?

Evergreen trees keep their leaves year-round, while deciduous trees lose their leaves in fall. Consider planting an evergreen if you want continuous shade and privacy. Choose deciduous if you want those beautiful fall colors and the extra light they allow during winter.

Our Team Will Help You Pick the Right Tree

We understand that choosing the correct species of tree is a complicated process. Arborwell is dedicated to helping you select the right tree for your property. Contact us to set up an appointment with an arborist in your area today.

location, planting, spacing, tree types

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