


tree care during drought

Drought Tolerant Trees for Southern California

Are you one of the many businesses looking to do your part in reducing water use during Southern California’s severe drought conditions? Every little conservation step you take helps support a more secure water future. Arborwell’s San Diego consulting arborists are here to help you achieve your goal of creating a more waterwise landscape with this list of drought-tolerant trees for Southern California.

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drought resistant trees

Landscape Trees for Drought Conditions in Northern California

California’s extreme drought conditions have made water conservation a common goal for the region’s businesses. Choosing drought-resistant plants and trees makes achieving this objective easier while keeping your commercial landscape looking great. Fortunately, Northern California’s warm climate and long growing season give trees ample time to get established before the first December frost, making now a great time to contact our tree management team about making the switch. What do our arborists recommend for landscape trees for drought conditions in Northern California US Hardiness Zone 9?

drought resistant trees, tree selection, water conservation

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tree care during drought

Urban Tree Care During a Drought

All trees need water to survive. Each species requires a specific amount and frequency for optimal health; however, location, environmental conditions, and weather directly impact these needs. For this reason, drought can be especially dangerous for urban trees outside the natural forest setting, making meticulous tree care during a drought essential. How can you keep your commercial landscape’s trees looking their best?

drought, mulch, pest control, water conservation

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Seattle Drought Resistant Plants and Trees

Warm Seattle Summers Call for Drought Resistant Plants and Trees

Over the past several years, Seattle’s weather has changed. We no longer get the typical misty June weather before the hot, dry summer season. Higher summer temperatures and a dryer climate worsen the situation and forecasters expect these trends to continue. Increasingly warm Seattle summers call for drought-resistant plants and trees. Our ISA certified arborists suggest a few modifications to help your landscape handle complications from extreme heat and prolonged drought in the summer months.

drought resistant trees, drought-resistant plants, landscapes, water savings

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tree maintenance

Soil Analysis for Tree Health

Why should you perform a soil analysis for tree health? Unhealthy soil causes a staggering 80% of tree wellness issues. Soil characteristics vary from site to site. A custom soil analysis can quickly uncover valuable information on pH, organic matter, and nutrient levels on your grounds, identifying the root cause of issues impacting your tree’s health.

amendments, fertilizer, ph, soil analysis, soil test, soild health

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commercial retail tree service

Plant Nutrition Management for the Fall

The best defense against tree pests and diseases starts with plant nutrition management for the fall. Like the foods you put in your body support your health, the right fertilizer is essential to beautiful, thriving trees. Fall is the ideal time for fertilizer application, giving trees the nutrients they need to make it through the winter months. What nutrients are missing or depleted in the soil on your Seattle, San Francisco, or San Jose grounds?

plant health, plant nutrition, preventative tree care

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